Takeout Window - Open Thursday to Sunday
Delivery by DoorDash
Monday - Wednesday
Kitchen 3pm-9pm
Tavern 3pm-9pm
Kitchen 11am-10pm
Tavern 11am-10pm
Kitchen 11am-10pm
Tavern 11am-10pm
Brunch 10:30am-2pm
Regular Menu 11am - 7pm
Tavern 11am - 7pm
For reservation set up or additional information about our award winning food and services, Contact Carson’s by calling (724) 887-7404, click the button below, or visit us in person on South Broadway during operating hours. You can also make online reservations at any time! Restaurant reservations are suggested, but not required. Whether you have a casual occasion coming up, a formal wedding to plan, or if you simply need a side dish and dessert for a picnic, our team at Carson’s will meet your needs with complete satisfaction. Make your next occasion memorable with a beautiful setting, superior service, good smelling and delicious catering from Carson’s!
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Birthday/Email Club
Join the Birthday/Email Club at Carson’s and receive discounts all year long and special wishes from our restaurant to you, on your birthday! All you have to do is provide your name, birthdate and address. Then, you will receive a mailed card from your friends at Carson’s!
Birthday Email Club

Pickup Window
Take Carson's home without ever needing to get out of your car.